Sofa King Cool
This band has the best name of any rock band ever. I just simply can’t believe no one has used it before. Sofa King Cool is the name – and if you don’t get the joke yet . . . well, what can I say.
Here’s what you can do, just repeat after me: well. oil. beef. hooked.
God bless Ireland.
In any case, the lads were rocking out in Rick’s Bar Saturday night and the place was flippin’ wedged. It was their debut and they ripped through loads of grunge-era covers that I hadn’t heard in ages. STP through Alice in Chains and into Pearl Jam and Chili Peppers – love it. Especially the AIC. I swear if you opened your mouth and closed it again it’d taste of testosterone.
Chekkout Seanie there on the right, giving it socks. Then Check out this bootleg recording. Rock!