Kerbside to play with Mundy!
Yes indeed, we just got the call a couple of days ago that they needed one more act for the charity gig for Sarah Ryan with Mundy on September 2nd here in Athlone!
Not only will it be pretty great to share the stage with the big man himself, but it will be the first time since we played Athlone Castle that Kerbside will be appearing in our full rock’n roll glory. Personally, I can’t wait.
The scary thing is that we’ll be playing third – AFTER Mundy. I mean, how do you follow someone like that? Mundy and Fiach will be playing solo acoustic sets and we’ll be a full band, so basically we’re there to give a bit of a kick to the end of things.
To that end, we’ve been asked to work in a few crowd-pleasing covers into our setlist that blends our stuff into other people’s. After Mundy, I suppose we’ll need that kind of thing to hold folks’ attention!
Again, the concert is Saturday night, September 2 in the Athlone Radisson. Tickets are €25 and are available here in town at Music World (10 Golden Island, Shopping Centre, Athlone, Co Westmeath. Tel: 090 6474372).
If you’re not in Athlone and want to attend, you can contact me. If there are tickets left I will do my best to sort out a ticket for ya!