New culinary kid in town
Happy Valentines, everyone!
So I was walking into town yesterday evening when I saw the windows above River S were lit up. Curious, I took a closer look and discovered that a new restaurant has opened up in a juicy piece of real estate right above the waters of the river Shannon.
Having been derelict for some time, I wondered why such a choice location with a view of the castle at the footprint of the bridge hadn’t attracted some sort of restaurant or cafe. Wonder no more – an Italian place has opened up in the old SNoooz premises (I always thought that was a bizarre choice of shops for that location).
Yesterday was their first night open. I would have stopped in for dinner, but I was heading off to the shop before it closed. Methinks we’re going to have to check this one out. in the very near future.
Speaking of things to look forward to, Gareth Pearson is playing tonight in the Palace Loft. Seeing as how the munchkin and wifey are over enjoying the Californian sun, it’s the perfect excuse to join some other sad bachelors for some world-class music.
Who’s Gareth Pearson, you may be asking? Well, see for yourself: