Athlone threatened by nuclear fallout
Ireland has a number of power plants. Despite what you may have heard, they are not run on donkey poo, but on turf.
Good aul turf! Guaranteed to keep Ireland in electric juice for the next, oh, 10 years!!
Just across the sea though, our neighours in the UK have a lovely nuclear power plant called Sellafield. Thanks to its presence, the Irish sea is the most radioactive body of water in the world.
Grand, so. At least we’re not living on the Irish sea. Yes, here in the midlands we’re perfectly safe . . . that is, until I saw an article in the paper the other day with an outline of Ireland and some scary looking arrows and radioactive icons pointing right at Athlone.
Apparently, if any of the nuclear power plants in the UK has an accident, most of Ireland, including the Irish midlands, is fecked.
Evacuations are being discussed in Louth (I can picture the wellies under the board room table now) says a national paper and, eh, Athlone is fecked, says a local paper.
Guess I’ll go get some of them lead underpants . . .